Medicare 101 & Annual Enrollment Prep



Medicare 101 & Annual Enrollment Period Prep

Medicare 101 & Annual Enrollment Prep

Medicare 101 & Annual Enrollment Prep

Prepare to put a note on your calendars! A sneak peak at the fantastic future events we have painstakingly prepared for you can be found in this section. We’re dedicated to providing you with opportunities to grow, learn, and connect—from captivating workshops to exhilarating conferences, and everything in between. Keep checking back as we reveal the dates, specifics, and registration details for these highly anticipated events. Don’t pass up the opportunity to participate in these enlightening events that will supposedly motivate, inspire, and educate you. Awaiting you is your next adventure!”

Turning 65
Educational Event


Turning 65
Educational Event


Turning 65
Educational Event


Upcoming Events

wdt_ID Dates Venue Address Topic Time
4 3/17 Cracker Barrel 10915 New Halls Ferry Road, Ferguson, MO 63136 Turning 65 Educational Event 10:00am – 11:30am
5 3/21 Midwest Genealogy Center 3440 S. Lee's Summit Rd Independence, MO 64055 Turning 65 Educational Event 4pm - 5pm


Eric Gossett

With a highly successful banking background, Eric is well positioned to help his clients identify and work through a variety of financial planning circumstances. Eric believes, like many people, your retirement may need to last as long as 30 years. Therefore, you simply cannot afford to make mistakes with your retirement money and run the risk of ruining your lifestyle during your leisure years. We have helped individuals and couples, at all economic levels, to achieve their financial and long-term goals and enjoy retirement by working hard, smart and being ready for them when needed.

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